If your income is under a certain threshold, then making personal after-tax super contributions could enable you to qualify for a Government co-contribution and take advantage of the low tax rate payable in super on investment earnings.
How does the strategy work? |
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will As a result, there can be a time lag between when you make your personal after-tax super contribution and when the Government pays the co‑contribution. If you’re eligible for the co-contribution, you can nominate which fund you would like to receive the payment. Alternatively, if you don’t make a nomination and you have more than one account, the ATO will pay the money into one of your funds based on set criteria. Note: Some funds or superannuation |
Other key considerations |
If you earn¹ less than $56,112 pa (of which at least 10% is from eligible employment or carrying on a business) and you make personal after-tax super contributions, the Government may also contribute into your super account. This additional super contribution, which is known as a co-contribution, could make a significant difference to the value of your retirement savings over time.
Case study
Ryan aged 40, is employed and earns $40,000 p.a. He wants to build his retirement savings and can afford to invest $1,000 a year.
After speaking to his financial advisor, he decides to use the $1,000 to make a personal after-tax super contribution.
By using this strategy, he’ll qualify for a co-contribution of $500 and the investment earnings will be taxed at a maximum rate of 15%.
Conversely, if he invests the money outside super each year (in a managed fund, for example), he will not qualify for a co-contribution and the earnings will be taxable at his marginal rate of 21%².
Seek advice
Your financial advisor can help you determine whether you should make personal super contributions and assess whether you will qualify for a Government co-contribution.
1 Includes assessable income, reportable fringe benefits and reportable employer super contributions, less business deductions. Other conditions apply.
2 Includes Medicare levy.