Commonwealth Seniors Health Card

If you’ve reached Age Pension age and meet certain criteria, then you could be entitled to a concession card which gives you cheaper health care and some other discounts.

Eligibility basics

  • have reached Age Pension age
  • don’t qualify for a payment from the Department of Human Services or the Department of Veterans’ Affairs
  • meet an income test, and
  • are an Australian resident currently living in Australia


The CSHC entitles holders to:

  • Prescription medicines at concessional rates through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS)
  • The Medicare Safety Net threshold available to Commonwealth concession card holders
  • Bulk billed GP appointments (at providers discretion).


The CSHC can also entitle holders to other concessions from state and local government authorities, including:

  • Free ambulance transport in case of an emergency in New South Wales
  • $200 energy rebate in New South Wales
  • A once-only stamp duty concession when buying a home valued at less than $750,000 in Victoria
  • A ‘cost of living concession’ which is a South Australian government payment towards living expenses, including electricity, water, gas or medical bills.


Please speak to your Pinnacle Advisor, should you have any questions in relation to your eligibility.