Office Gossip

Baby news…

Come early February 2017 Kelly and her  husband Kyle are expecting their first baby, which means Kelly will be leaving us for a short period of time to embark on the wonderful world of motherhood…  Kelly’s last day with us will be Friday, 6th January 2017.  We look forward to meeting her little bundle of joy in the new year.

In preparation for Kelly’s maternity leave, Dylan Thorn has been understudying her role for the past few months and will ultimately takeover from Kelly when she finishes up. Dylan in the past has been involved in our client review preparation and will now be jumping from the para-planning pod to the client administration pod giving him the experience of dealing in another aspect of administration for the practice.

To all of David Forrest’s clients, Dylan will be your go to person should you have any queries.


Goodbye Zoë…

For many of Pinnacle’s long standing clients, you would have had some form of contact with Zoë over the years. She blossomed as a young Pinnacle recruit back in April 2007 in our Melbourne Street office. After all of these years we are now having to say ‘goodbye’ as Zoë has decided to take on a new challenge in life—hitting the books and heading back to school (literally) to become a school teacher. Her fun, bubbly nature and friendship will certainly be missed amongst her peers and we wish her all the success in her new endeavours.  Zoë will be with us until the end of January 2017.






Hello Francesca…

With the closing of one door, we open a new one for Francesca Giannaros who will be joining the Pinnacle team in mid January 2017 as a new Client Relationship Manager. Francesca will be taking the reins from Zoë and will predominately be looking after Adam Ordelman and Matthew Anderson’s administration requirements. We look forward to introducing Francesca when she officially joins us in January.